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What Is Child Support Modification In Az?

What Is Child Support Modification In Az?

If you are a parent who is paying or receiving child support in the state of Arizona, it's important to be aware of what child support modification is and how it can affect you. In this blog post, we will discuss what child support modification is and how to go about...

Who Can Ask For Child Support Modification In Az?

Who Can Ask For Child Support Modification In Az?

In Arizona, child support may be modified under certain circumstances. The party seeking the modification must show that there has been a change in circumstance since the last order was issued. This could be a change in income, a change in custody, or a change in the...

Can You Move Out Of State After Filing For Divorce?

Can You Move Out Of State After Filing For Divorce?

Is it possible to move out of state after filing for divorce? The answer is yes – but there are a few things you need to know before you make any decisions. In this article, we’ll outline the basics of moving out of state after filing for divorce, and we’ll also offer...

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