Phoenix Divorce Alienation Lawyers


Alienation, also referred to as parental alienation, happens when one parent starts to create a negative view of the other in the mind of a child. Over time, children start to develop biases based on what they have heard, which completely erodes their faith and trust in the other parent. It is a devastating occurrence, as it can mold the relationship between a parent and child for a lifetime.

If you are going through a divorce, alienation is a real possibility and one that has plagued familial relationships for years. Your own communications with your estranged spouse may not be enough to prevent a child or children from starting to develop biases against you. In these cases, one of the best ways you can take action is to reach out to your divorce attorney for guidance. Do not let your spouse ruin your relationship between you and your child based on a need for revenge or misplaced anger. At GillespieShields, we can help you navigate the complex laws that govern alienation in Arizona.



Going through a divorce is always tough, but it is even more grueling when children are involved. To prevent, recognize and address alienation in children, any parents going through divorce should be aware of the signs to watch for. There may not be one defining factor that indicates alienation, but rather a combination of factors that changes the way a child behaves in your presence.

Children who know details about the divorce, express excessive signs of blame or hate toward one parent disproportionately or seem uncomfortable or timid in one parent’s presence may be experiencing some form of alienation. You know your child better than anyone. Those inexplicable changes may not be a child’s misunderstanding of the case but of your former partner’s influence in his or her life. Whether your divorce has been amicable or hostile, paying attention to your child’s behavior could help you identify and address signs of alienation that could have future consequences.

Sometimes children’s behaviors are innocent, indicative only of the fickle nature of a young mind. Other times, however, they may indicate a truly harmful case of alienation that needs to be addressed as early as possible to remedy any long-lasting consequences. Parents and children may need to attend counseling to learn how to interact with one another after such a difficult period.


Alienation may be primarily caused by one parent, but there are underlying factors that truly entrench alienation behaviors. Other family members supporting one parent, psychological disorders, parents who are too wrapped up in their children’s lives, and insecure parenting can all cause or compound the situation, making a child’s divorce experience needlessly difficult and psychologically harmful. Some children may even feel the need to protect or support one parent who demonstrates need in their presence.


If you believe your child has been affected by alienation or a psychologist has indicated as much, it may be time to consult a divorce attorney. Every divorce situation is different, with different personalities, situations and emotional characteristics. The team at GillespieShields is ready to help you get past a divorce with as little pain and impact on your life as possible. As part of that commitment, we are ready to help you with a number of remedies to address parental alienation in children affected by divorce.

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