Legal Articles from the Experienced Phoenix & Mesa, Arizona Family Law Attorneys at Gillespie, Shields and Taylor
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What Are The Common Ways Mothers Lose Custody Of A Child In Arizona? | Law Offices of Gillespie Shields
What Are The Common Ways Mothers Lose Custody Of A Child In Arizona?Every child needs to grow up in a secure and stable environment. When a question regarding a parent's or guardian's fitness arises, however, establishing their fitness is not always straightforward....
What Child Custody Rights Does A Father Have In Arizona? | Law Offices of GillespieShields
What Child Custody Rights Does A Father Have In Arizona?Under the United States Constitution and Arizona law, fathers enjoy parental rights and have an equal legal chance at child custody. What is the challenge for fathers? In Arizona, they were successful in...
What Makes An Unfit Parent In Arizona? | Law Offices of GillespieShields
How Does The Court Determine Child Custody In Arizona?When parents separate or divorce, the children's needs must be met. If the parents cannot agree on a parenting plan, the court will impose one or make decisions about the children's health and welfare. Choosing how...
Is Arizona Considered A “Mother’s State”? | Law Offices of GillespieShields
Phoenix - 602-870-9700 | Mesa - 480-985-4000 Is...
How Long Does A Divorce Usually Take? | Law Offices of GillespieShields
How Long Does A Divorce Usually Take?If you're thinking about getting divorced, you probably want to do it as soon as possible. After all, no one wants the (sometimes expensive) process to drag on, especially if you're attempting to leave a loveless or poisonous...
How Can I Decide If Divorce Is Right For Me? | Law Offices of GillespieShields
How Can I Decide If Divorce Is Right For Me?The confusion is understandable. It is normal to be conflicted about divorcing. This is one of the most important and difficult decisions you will ever face. It is not a decision that should be made on the spur of the moment...
What Are Some Common Signs Of Divorce? | Law Offices of GillespieShields
What Are Some Common Signs Of Divorce?Some may associate stormy disputes, covert infidelities, or unforgivable treachery with the end of a marriage. The indicators of divorce, on the other hand, might frequently be subtle, ordinary occurrences that go overlooked by...
Can A Spouse Take Everything In A Divorce? | Law Offices of GillespieShields
Can A Spouse Take Everything In A Divorce?You probably never considered if you lived in a community property state or terminology like equitable distribution as a newlywed. When a marriage ends in divorce, however, it often (and unhappily) requires painful decisions...
What Is The Most Common Reason For Filing For Divorce? | Law Offices of GillespieShields
What Is The Most Common Reason For Filing For Divorce?When you're going through a divorce, you could feel extremely lonely or as if no one knows what you're going through. Those are both very reasonable responses to a challenging scenario that can feel like a...