Legal Articles from the Experienced Arizona Family Law Attorneys at Gillespie, Shields and Taylor
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Filing for Divorce in Arizona 101: All the Basics You Need to Know in 2022
Nobody ever plans to get a divorce, but it can happen to anyone. If you're living in Arizona and are thinking about filing for divorce, you need to know the basics of what to expect. So whether you're just starting to think about getting a divorce or are ready to take...
Can You Move Out Of State After Filing For Divorce?
Is it possible to move out of state after filing for divorce? The answer is yes – but there are a few things you need to know before you make any decisions. In this article, we’ll outline the basics of moving out of state after filing for divorce, and we’ll also offer...
What Happens If You Buy Property Before Filing For Divorce?
There's no denying that divorce can be a messy, complicated process. But what happens if you buy property before filing for divorce? Is that considered marital property? And how will it be divided in the event of a divorce? These are all important questions to...
When Filing For Divorce, Who Moves Out?
When most people think about filing for divorce, they automatically imagine one person moving out of the family home. But is this always the case? And who gets to make that decision? This article will explore some of the factors that can influence who moves out during...
Can You Change Your Mind After Filing For Divorce?
No one goes into a marriage thinking it will end in divorce, but sometimes things don't work out the way we planned. It is a common misconception that once you file for divorce, the process is set in stone. However, this is not always the case. If you've made the...
7 Quick Tips About Filing for Divorce in Arizona in 2022
In 2022, the divorce rate in Arizona is expected to be 3.2%. If you're considering filing for divorce in Arizona, here are seven tips to help make the process as smooth as possible. Tip #1: Familiarize Yourself With The Divorce Process And What Will Be Required Of You...
What are the Limitations of a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) in Arizona
When you divorce and have children, one of the issues you'll need to address is how you will divide up your parenting time (and child support) responsibilities. If one parent has been the primary caregiver for the kids, it's likely that they will continue to have that...
How Does a Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) in Arizona Affect Retirement?
If you're getting divorced and have retirement savings, you'll want to learn about Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDROs). A QDRO is a legal document that splits up your retirement savings in a way that's fair to both you and your ex. This can be a complicated...
A Practical Guide to Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDRO) in Arizona in 2022
Divorce is never an easy process, but when you have children it can be even more complicated. If you and your spouse are splitting up and you're worried about what will happen to your shared assets and debts, you may want to consider a Qualified Domestic Relations...