Legal Articles from the Experienced Arizona Family Law Attorneys at Gillespie, Shields and Taylor
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What Costs are Involved for Probate In Arizona?
When someone in Arizona dies, their estate must go through a legal process called probate. This process can be complicated and expensive, so it is important to understand what costs are involved. In this blog post, we will discuss the various costs associated with...
5 Reasons Probate is Difficult In Arizona
Probate is never an easy process, but it can be especially difficult in Arizona. There are a number of reasons for this, including the state's stringent probate laws and the fact that Arizona is a community property state. In this blog post, we will discuss five of...
What Can You Do To Avoid Probate In Arizona?
If you are a resident of Arizona, then there are several things that you can do to avoid probate. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most common methods used to avoid probate in Arizona. We will also provide information on how to set up a trust, and what...
5 Reasons You Need An Attorney For Probate In Arizona
If you are the executor of an estate in Arizona, it is important to understand the process of probate and how to complete it. Even if you are not the executor, but a beneficiary of an estate, you may still need an attorney. There are many reasons why hiring an...
What’s the Typical Timeline for Probate In Arizona?
When someone in Arizona dies, their estate must go through a legal process known as probate. This can be a difficult time for loved ones, and it's important to understand the timeline for probate so that you know what to expect. In this blog post, we will explore the...
5 Probate Rules In Arizona You Should Know
If you are an executor of an estate in Arizona, it is important that you understand the probate process. There are a few rules that you need to know in order to make the process go as smoothly as possible. In this blog post, we will discuss five of the most important...
Probate in Arizona 101: All the Basics You Need to Know in 2023
If you are an Arizona resident, then you may need to go through the probate process at some point in your life. This can be a confusing and daunting process, especially if it is your first time going through it. In this blog post, we will provide you with all the...
What’s the Best Child Custody Lawfirm in Mesa, Arizona?
What’s the Best Child Custody Lawfirm in Mesa, Arizona? About Mesa, Arizona and Child Custody Mesa, located in Arizona, is a city that is abundant in both history and culture. Mesa Grande Cultural Park is located in Arizona and features a monumental ceremonial mound...
What’s the Best Child Custody Lawfirm in Phoenix, Arizona?
What’s the Best Child Custody Lawfirm in Phoenix, Arizona? About Phoenix, Arizona and Child Custody The city of Phoenix serves as the state capital of Arizona, which is located in the southern United States. The Valley of the Sun is a large metropolitan area that...